
Keep on asking!

Um von der Uni nach Hause zu kommen fahre ich in Ausnahmefällen, wenn mich meine Hostmum nicht fährt, Taxi. So auch diesen Sonntag und der ganz normale SmallTalk begann mit Brian. Relativ schnell kamen wir aber zur aktuellen Politik und endeten bei Rassismus und der Bedeutung der „southern flag“. Wir unterhielten uns erstaunlich lange, denn obwohl die Fahrt nach 10 Minuten vorbei war saßen wir noch weitere 45 Minuten im Auto und redeten. Eher gesagt er redete und schilderte seine Sichtweise auf die Dinge. Direkt nachdem ich ins Haus gekommen bin habe ich das Gespräch aufgeschrieben, unkommentiert aber gekürzt hier Ausschnitte:

We have talked about my internship and how hard it might be to find a job without a Bachelor’s degree.
Brian: Don’t worry! Our economy is booming at the moment and our unemployment rate is at its lowest level for 100 years. Every company is hiring like crazy and urgently seeking interns.
Clara: Thanks to Trump?
Brian: Well, yeah, definitely! After years of social reforms which 1. Nobody needs and are more unnecessary than ever 2. Costs millions of dollars 3. Destroying our economy; Trump has brought hope! His decisions will bring our country back to great strength. Don’t forget that he is a real businessman. It’s good to have someone who decides with economic knowledge.
Clara: Isn’t Trump harvesting what Obama was sowing?
Brian: Obama definitely drove away the business people due his social welfare ideas. These are just too expensive and they do not want to pay their contribution. He destroyed the unique entrepreneurial spirit. Everyone should worry about themselves. That’s the freedom I want, and I expect from the United States of America.

Brian: Everyone is speaking about racism and that it still exists. But it is not present! Do you feel it? Everybody is equal; everybody has the same rights.
Clara: Do you have friends with different skin-color?
Brian: [moment of silence] Sure I have a few.
Clara: And how do they feel?
Brian: They will probably vote farther left.

Thanks Brian for sharing your thoughts with me! I really appreciate your honesty.

Brian shows me his upper arm.
Brian: Normally, I wear a long shirt to avoid unnecessary discussions, but I have a tattoo of the southern flag! It’s not a symbol of white superiority. It just reminds me that I can be more than proud of my southern origin.
Clara: In some way it’s a symbol of the hatred and oppression of the white supremacy movement. Isn’t the Ku Klux Klan using it?
Brian: It’s often related to racism and slavery. But for me it’s not about that. I’m listening to Lynyrd Skynyrd which shows the southern flag on stage to state the fact that you can be proud to be American. For me and for them it’s not a symbol of racism.

Brian: … like the Civil War wasn’t about slavery!
Clara: Oh! I’m so sorry to ask you that question. But what was the real reason?
Brian: Surely they were discussing a little bit about slavery but it wasn’t all about that. The first reason was definitely self-determination of the states. What history forgets is that nothing is black or white. Some slaves were treated well and had great living conditions.

Einfach mal nur zuhören und nicht kommentieren oder dagegen argumentieren; das war extrem schwer. Jedoch konnte ich nur so seine ganz persönliche Denkweise erfahren. Wenn ich immer wieder zum Gegenangriff ausgeholt und seine Sichtweise verurteilt hätte, hätten wir sicherlich nicht diese Konversation führen können. Trotzdem kann ich seine Statements nicht fassen und mein Bauch füllt sich so mit Wut, dass ich in die Tasten haue, als es würde es keinen Morgen geben. Wie kann ich diese Wut in sinnvollen Aktionismus umdrehen?

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